Kids LOVE to make music and don't care if you can't carry a tune to save your life.
I can't at all!! But we have a blast.
For Christmas we were given a Melissa and Doug music set to add to our collection.
Most stores carry instruments of all kinds. Find something that works for you and just have fun!
This great drum came in one of our Citrus Lane boxes. A great website that families, parents, grandparents can subscribe to. The recipent gets a box of goodies once a month. Sometimes the items are plates, silverware, stuffed animals, music related, books, CDs, food samples, food containers, etc. It's a great investment. I have only been receiving it for five months now but am not disappointed!
When we are not using store bought instruments, we have a BLAST with an old coffee container, plastic food storage container, pin tin, mixing bowls (metal - not my glass ones :) ) and a wooden spoon.
Put a CD or downloaded music on in the background and go for it! Have a blast.
For a few great music ideas: Dr. Jean (a must - used in classrooms all
over, wonderful catchy songs that I have personally witnessed helping
all types of learners succeed!!!!), Wiggly Songs, Animal Playground, etc. Have fun, really these are ideas to get started!
Kids want to be involved! There is so much since behind how little ones (and adults) learn. Put anything to music and people grasp it faster. I have a friend who's 18 month old could spell her brother's name (Michael) because they sang it to her in a song. WOW, right! (Granted mom is a music teacher, but still....I can do that)
Exposing kids to different styles of music and various instruments are so incredibly valuable. Our little man dances constantly and his sister follows along the best she can.
Remember: Conversation is one of the best ways to learn! Your child's vocabulary will grow exponentially the more you listen, ask questions, and explain what you are doing. Give them the words you want them to learn. Here, the words revolve around music (fast tempo, slow tempo, high pitch, low pitch) or instruments ( xylophone, triangle, drum, drum stick, bells, etc). I am not a music teacher at all! Please don't take me as a music know all as I am only having fun with my kids. :)